Silk Cotton Cooling Blankets 丝绵被

Original price was: RM188.00.Current price is: RM145.00.


“ 2014年以来新加坡最畅销的毯子”


Check Out the Silk Cotton Cooling Blanket, crafted from natural plant fibers. It offers a silky smooth texture akin to cotton threads but with enhanced softness and coolness. This blanket is breathable, skin-friendly, and provides a refreshing touch without feeling stuffy.

Since 2014, it has been Singapore’s best-selling blanket, renowned for its ability to combat the discomfort of hot summer nights. Tired of feeling too warm under covers or chilly without them? The Silk Cotton Cooling Blanket is here to alleviate sleep disruptions caused by overheating, eliminating the need to constantly run air conditioning and save on electricity bills. It promotes eco-friendly energy conservation while ensuring a cool and comfortable sleeping experience.

Join forces with the Silk Cotton Cooling Blanket to conquer the sweltering summer heat and enjoy a blissful sleep through the long, hot season!


Size: 150cm x 200cm


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